Mountains are very beauitful and another one of GODS creations. It may have not started out as big but it slowly grows and grows until one day it is this big wonderful pieace of earth and people look at it in an awe. I feel like a mountain I started out small with no purpose with the feeling that nothing mattered to me but as time has gone by I too have grown and had to make changes and sacrafies to be a good parent. I have lost my way several times and turned my back on those who loved me. I fell off the path and as in most mountains do they have valleys (paths) and where one ends another picks up and sooner or later they all end up at the top of this wonderful mountain. I want to be the ROCK for my girls.
I have recently tried to mend a path that I had pretty much destroyed with my father and my stepmother. I didnt exspect them to forgive me for what I had done to them, and I was rather suprised to get a reply from an email that I sent to them both. It took a few times to read it because the guilt and hurt all came back so fresh to me that I couldnt hold back the tears. We will build a road together so that we have a relationship again and that is very important to me.
There is a long story to our lives and one that I would like to write about someday so that others can understand what I was going through at the time and to answer some of the questions that most of my family could never understand about me.
The saying that time heals all thing that are broken is very true and I am living proof that GOD is a forgiving God, because if he didnt want me where I am today he would of never let me gotten this far. There is a reason for everything: That which doesnt break us with make us stronger. I hold true to those words as if they are my own.
I am a stronger person and I can do it all on my own with the help of JESUS in my life and in my house.
I hope this means we are beginning again. I would like to be friends. I am a bit worried that you read something into my email that wasn't meant. I am hoping all the hurt can be behind us.
It's important that none of us dwell in the past. We all fall off of the path, and we ALL have regrets, and things we would do differently, so don't get bogged down in guilt. The important thing is when we realize we are lost, when we've let go of the hands of our companions, it's important to reach out, forgive, help each other up, and get back on the same path, going in the same direction. We can't always live on the mountain tops, but there is beauty to be found and lush growth even in the valleys.
Hope you have a great day. Good writing, thanks for sharing.
You didn't say if I can link your blog to mine. Can I? Also, if you like comments, you might want to change to accept anonymous comments. I know Danielle is a faithful blog reader, but she doesn't have an identity, so always posts anonymous (with her name). Also, if you get some hits through the link to my blog, many readers might be anonymous.
Take care.
P.S. Nice photos with you posts! Where do you get them?
AARRGGHH! I can't spell. I am trying to write "Nice photos with YOUR posts. Where do you get them?"
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