I have been thinking a lot about what we do in life that effects others, it maybe something as simple as a smile to someone who has had a bad day and just cant seem to pull themselves out of a rut. When I am at work I like to call my caller by their first name while I speak with them, it lets them know that you are truly paying attension to what they are trying to tell me. I work for an Answering Service of Medical and Commercial accounts. I have been their 9 years now. I have learned the company inside and out, I truly enjoy my job, I like helping people. I get calls from distraught parents that need me to be calm for them, once I give them my full attension and they know that I am there to help them they start to calm down themselves. I let them know that I am there to help them and get them the attension they need. After my call is done I often feel as though I may have just helped someone in need and made a difference.
Anybody can do this you just have to let it all go and live each and everyday as if it were the last, when it comes time for me to go to Heaven I want to go knowing that I done the most I could do in life, even if it is just a simple smile to someone having a bad day
1 comment:
Hi Sandy,
I just finished reading your last two blogs. Libbie sure is getting big. She is a cutey. Sams picture also shows her maturity and quite a beautiful young woman.
They are both keepers. We love them very much.
I know this separation is going to be hard on you as well as on Libbie, but that old saying, "if you love someone, let them go and if the love is mutual, they will return, if only for a season". At least its something like that. Sams move is on her terms and for reasons only she knows, but you can be self assured that she loves you more than life itself.
Take care and keep writing, I enjoy reading your post.
Love Dad
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