Friday, September 07, 2007

Here's my Senior "SAMANTHA"

Here is my oldest daughter Samantha a senior at Flint Central High School. I am so proud of her that words can't even come close to how I feel. She will be attending Baker college after graduation to be a Nurse, she is now working at a clothing store at out Courtland Center Mall. Samantha has come a long way and has transformed in a beautiful passionate butterfly.


Ellen said...

Love the pics.... and Sam is indeed beautiful (always has been... she takes after her mom). The house is great too! How's your other beauty Amanda?
We are fine. Fall is starting to come up here already.... and it's football football football.
Take care. Love you all.

Anonymous said...

You are ALL beautiful!! I love you all sooooo much! You think your proud now just wait untill next June, you wont even be able to speak! Love Ya ~Chelle~

Danielle/Brooke said...

I can't believe she is a senior already! Sandy I am afraid that we are getting old. :-(
But you will always be older ha ha ha :-)