It is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease that is what my mother has along with emphysema because she has smoked since she was 16 years old. She also has problems with her heart now on top of all that but that is not why IM writing today. Friday I went to the Doctor and I was given some bad news. I now have COPD and the beginning stages of emphysema, No I never smoked in my life. It is caused from second hand smoke, Yup you heard right second hand smoke. I go to a specialist in a couple weeks and they will look at my lungs further. I now have my 1st inhaler (yuk) didn't quite work the way as I thought.
As I went on the internet to read more about this disease I found out it is the 4th killer of Americans in the world. All this because of smokers, IM glad I went to the Dr. And I am now being treated. Take the time and make sure that you go to your yearly exams, it just might save your life I believe it may have just saved mine. Go the web and put in what is COPD?
Sorry to read this. We will pray for you. We always do, but now more specifically.
Sandy I am sorry to hear about this diagnosis. I will say a prayer and light a candle for you.
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